GTA 5 Lite Version
Everyone wants to play GTA 5 but its requirement and size is so high, but not now because a
Canadian YouTuber LEVITATION_4D makes GTA 5 lighter for low-end specs pcs, he will compress,
its size is around 40 gigabytes you can play this game without a graphics card it is run on integrated
graphics its size is 54 percent less than the original GTA 5 but he will not remove features, without
graphics and some other things. But he will remove the Prologue
mission due to some issues He makes three GTA 5 LITE copies first copy is named NATIVE
PRESET, The second is SHADOWED PRESET, and the third is LIGHTER PRESET. IT is released on
7 February 2022.
Here are the system requirements👇
Source: Levitation_4d |
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